A Podcast to Reach Your Dreams

By: Ashleigh Meister

Do you have dreams? Do you dream about getting a degree and finally graduating? Do you dream of what it would feel like to pay off all of your debt and be able to spend your earned money how you want? Do you dream of buying your dream house? What about owning your own business? All of your dreams are possible if you do the work to make them happen.

Rachel Hollis is a mother, a wife, and a self-made business woman who has dreams just like you and she is working towards her goals every day. She has figured out how to reach many of her goals by researching and not taking no for an answer. She created this podcast to share the tools that she used for her own success. Her podcast is called “Rise Podcast”.

In this podcast series, she interviews several successful business people, narrates chapters from her own book, and easily motivates you to actually make steps towards your dreams and goals. Rachel’s audience is mostly made up of females in the “Rise Podcast”. She speaks primarily to women because she was in the same place as her audience at one point in time.

There is a lot of marketing in this podcast. Like mentioned before, Rachel narrates chapters from her book. This is a form of marketing for her book. She also asks you to screen shot the podcast episode you are listening to and post on social media by tagging her in your Instagram stories or post via @msrachelhollis. I think this is very smart and a great way to market herself without saying, “Hey, go follow me!”. She knows how to drive traffic to her other outlets.

Rachel’s podcast may be focused on women but that does not mean that men cannot take notes. She has several interviews with very successful men. While this podcast’s main focus is women; Rachel and her husband have an additional podcast for married couples. This is something that she also markets in her “Rise Podcast”.

“Nobody, not a voice of authority, not your Mama, not the foremost expert in your arena; gets to tell you how big your dreams can be. They can talk all they want, but you get to decide if you’re willing to listen.” -Rachel Hollis

Learning from Kid President

It doesn’t matter what someone is working on, they are sooner or later going to get tired and lose motivation in what they are doing. Everybody needs a pick me up every once in a while. A very good video to watch to get the motivation that is needed to finish the last stride of something is Kid President: Pep Talk. For those who have not seen this video, it is a little kid named Robby Novak who gives a little “pep talk” on how to get through something or even a rough patch in someone’s life.

In the beginning, he starts out by stating “stop being boring it’s easy to be boring everybody can be boring” this is saying be yourself. Don’t do what everybody else is doing, do something that makes you unique. Then, he goes into saying that “Life isn’t a game” and “If it was a game we would be on the same team”. This is stating that everything that we do is together. We all have to share this world so be kind to one another and work together. He goes into saying “this is life people we got air going through our nose and got a heartbeat that means it’s time to go do something”. He is stating you are still alive so don’t waste your time while you still have it. Go out and do what you want to do and follow your dream.

He goes into the Robert Frost poem “The Road Not Taken” and says the quote “Two roads diverged and I took the road less traveled”. He took the road that nobody takes or as some would say the harder road to take to complete a goal. Then he says “It hurt man! rocks, thorns, glass” and he even states that his pants broke. With him saying this it says that sometimes there isn’t an easy way to do something. A lot of time someone will have a rough time getting to a certain goal that they want to accomplish. After all of that though he says “I would lead the road to awesome” Which states after you get through that rough patch, and get through all the thorns and glass there is something special waiting for you at the end of the journey.

He goes into “What if Michael Jordan would have quit? What if he would have quit in high school when he didn’t make the team? Then he would have never made Space Jam.” Of Michael Jordan would have quit his goal and dream back in high school when he got cut, he wouldn’t have been one of the best players of all time and wouldn’t have made Space Jam. Kid President is meaning Space Jam as MJ’s something great that he accomplished and it would have never happened if he would have just given up and not followed through with his dream.

He encourages the audience with “What will your Space Jam be? What will you create that will make the world awesome? Nothing if you keep sitting there” This shows the audience listening to the video that nothing is just going to fall right into their laps. They have to put effort and work hard into what they want to accomplish in life and their goals. How will they ever find out if they can accomplish the journey if they just sit there and do nothing? One of the last things he says is “We can cry about it or we can dance about it” stating anybody can sit there and not do it and complain about it, or they can have a positive mind and look at what they will get after the goal they want is accomplished.

Kid President is a very excellent video for anybody who has not seen it I highly encourage you to watch it. If ever someone is feeling a little stressed or has a loss of motivation this is a very good video to watch. He says at the very end “What do I know. I’m just a kid.” If a kid can say all this stuff about be motivated and getting up and doing something an adult should be very motivated to go out and accomplish what they want.

Differences Between Group Work and Team Work

The following is an article written by X204 Business Communication Adjunct Lecturer Robin Fritz for Chron.com, the online business portal for the Houston Chronical:

Overview – In the business world, the words “group” and “team” seem interchangeable, but smart managers realize there are subtle – but important – differences.  Recognizing these differences early on will help small business managers to more effectively lead people to achieve their organizational goals.

What is a Group? – A group in the workplace is usually comprised of three or more people who recognize themselves as a distinct unit or department, but who actually work independent of each other to achieve their organizational goals.  For example, a small business may have a client services group, but one person may focus on local clients, one person may focus on regional clients and a third person may assist both of those individuals.  Also, groups tend to be permanent fixtures with ongoing goals or responsibilities.

What is a Team? – A team is comprised of three or more people who may come from different departments within a business, but they collaborate together over time to achieve some set purpose, goal or project.  For instance, before a small business creates a new product, it may organize a team comprised of people from all departments – engineering, finance, legal, marketing, etc. – to consider all aspects of the potential new product in order to avoid costly surprises down the road.  With a team, individuals recognize the expertise and talents of others needed to achieve the team’s goal.  Additionally, teams are often formed for temporary assignments with one specific goal, focus or outcome in mind.

Why Form Groups? – Managers recognized many years ago that two heads are better than one, thus small businesses have turned to groups or departments for many reasons.  With group work, members have a shared knowledge of the group’s objectives, but specific tasks or responsibilities are assigned to different individuals.  By separating work into groups – such as one devoted to marketing, one devoted to accounting, etc. – individuals within those groups are able to maximize their expertise on a long-term basis.

Why Form Teams? – Businesses form teams usually to tackle a specific – and usually temporary – goal or project with the intent of leveraging the collective expertise of a variety of people.  Because experts from various departments are involved, teams can avoid potential problems early on in a project.  For instance, a team of only engineers may create a new product but may not understand whether it’s affordable until someone with a finance background completes a “return on investment” or ROI analysis on its feasibility.  Having a finance member involved on the team from the beginning will help the engineers to create an affordable product in the first place, saving time and resources.  Teams can be very productive because involving people with different talents provides teams with increased opportunities to work more efficiently.
